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Doula My Soul's long list of


Other Lactation Consultants:

Sometimes our group isn't a good fit, or we are booked solid! We want to make sure you get strong support in the community. Here are some great alternatives: 

Kindred Mothercare

Luna Lactation

Natural Latch 

Bliss Lactation

Bridgetown Baby

Bodyworkers for babies & their families:

Bodywork is great for helping tight muscles relax, recovery from birth & surgery, and helping get comfortable postpartum for both parents and babies! 


Doctor Korin Rasmussen

Cloud Chiropractic

Jade Chiropractic

Couve Chiropractic

Nexus Chiropractic

Simona Bodyworks

Luna Wellness

Carol Gray



Birth, Babies, & Beyond

Glow Midwifery

Unfurling Birth

Nest Midwifery

Hearth & Home Midwifery

Household Help:


Full Belly Fare

Spilt Milk Nannies

Medical research & information: 


Dr. Ghaheri, MD


Dr. James McKenna


Dr. Jack Newman

Emotional Support: 

Olivia Resnick

Malinda Trujillo

Dr. Tara May, Blue Leaf Wellness

Postpartum Progress

Sam Stevens

Postpartum Support International

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